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Meditation on Psalm 1

Meditation on Psalm 1:

Spending time every day with the same person changes you.

Do you want to be happy?

Let’s identify what will not make you happy.

You have some people in your life - maybe at school, maybe at work, maybe even at home - who are not awesome. That’s to say, they are pretty much awful. They are selfish, mean and petty. If you want to be happy, don’t take their advice on how to live your life. They may be beautiful, popular, rich or powerful. That doesn’t make them right and it doesn’t make them wise. But regardless of right or wrong, the people you spend time with will change you. If you follow bad examples, you will not be happy.

There is another thing that is guaranteed to not make you happy. Don’t expect people who don’t know God to follow God’s law. This refers to the pattern of someone’s life. If someone doesn’t know God and they behave like they don’t know God, do not try to hold them to God’s standards. It’s not going to help them and it’s not going to make you happy.

One more thing to avoid if you want to be happy is this:

Don’t be a jerk.

Mockery is an old word, but it has an important meaning. It is when you speak to or about someone in an awful or derisive way, often by ugly mimicry. Mockery is exactly that. It is ugly. It is used to belittle another, to cause them embarrassment or shame. Never once has it been used to build someone up. It is a hateful thing. It will not make you happy. Do not do that.

Instead, learn the law of God.

But you’re a Christian! Christians aren’t under the law!


But the law reveals who God is, what He wants from us and just how badly we can’t measure up. On the surface, that sounds heavy and discouraging.

Until you meet Jesus Christ.

The more you know of God’s expectations, the clearer view you have of where you don’t measure up.

That can be painful.

It can be embarrassing.

It can be humiliating.

And it is absolutely wonderful.

What? How?

It is wonderful because it forces you to put to death your sinful pride and instead lay hold of the grace of Jesus Christ with both hands. He is the only one who can save you from the penalty of breaking God’s law.

The more you know of God’s law, the more you will respond naturally with gratitude and love to the gift of Jesus’ death and resurrection to cover every single place you fall short.

Want to be happy? Think about God. Think about what He wants. Think about how much you cannot adhere to that. Then think about how much He loves you. So much that He sent His one and only Son to do it for you.

What is the result of this meditation?

Jesus Christ is Lord. Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.

Say this, believe it, and you will become like a fruit tree planted near a river.




And God can use you to offer the gift of life to those who are hungry.

Do you suppose those people we spoke of earlier can do the same? Can the selfish, the petty, the mean spirited, the law breakers and the abusive mockers offer anything like that?

They cannot.

They are like dried out grass clippings or dead leaves on a hillside. The wind scatters them and they are helpless to control their course.

Here is the terror for them.

There will come a time, when we leave this earth, that all of us will stand before God and He will judge us.

For those of us who have given our lives to Jesus Christ, we look forward to this judgment with the understanding that Jesus Christ himself stands in our place and holds open the door to eternal life.

For those who have no relationship with God, they will not stand at all. And when God separates the fruit bearing trees from the dead leaves, they will not be found among those for whom Jesus gave His life.

Let me finish now with an encouraging word for all of you.

For those who know God:

God sees you. He sees what no one else sees. He watches you struggle with your sins and He knows your shame when you fail. He sees when you make the right choice, even when it hurts, even when everyone calls you stupid. He sees the way you live your life and the constant course corrections you make to express your gratitude and love to Him and His Son Jesus Christ. He knows you aren’t perfect. He knows you can’t do it. He knows you’re not good enough, strong enough or smart enough.

But He is.

Continue to live your life in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Constantly surrender control to Him and your happiness will not be a transient emotion that can be blown away by quarantines, typhoons and fear. It will become a joy that eclipses your trials, and shouts into your sorrows that though you are weak, He is strong.

For those who do not know God:

If your attention is still held after all this, God is very likely calling to you right now. Answer Him. Don’t be flowery, or churchey or eloquent. Be honest, be plain, just talk to Him. Tell Him you’d like to get to know Him more. If you’re so inclined, tell Him you want Jesus to be your Lord. That is all it takes to get started.

Now, here is an important point that is often left out.

Salvation in Christ is the miracle of a moment. It can be emotional,



or feel like absolutely nothing at all!!!

It’s the life of Christ that changes you.

You don’t have to change a thing to come to Christ.

Do not allow anyone to put requirements on you that God doesn’t. Your salvation is between you and Him. He will handle any changes you need to make.


Consider this. You have people who are in your life daily, and you are influenced by them. You may pick up their patterns of speech. You may watch their favorite shows and you may listen to their music. Regardless of how big or small the changes, spending time with the same person changes you.

Don’t worry about trying to be perfect, or even better. Just spend time every single day getting to know God more.

Spending time every day with the same person changes you.

Spend that time with God.

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